According to scientists, El Nino is a weather pattern that occurs in tropical Pacific Ocean on average every five years; it is associated with droughts, floods and other weather disturbances in many regions of the world. Mostly affected by ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) are countries around the pacific region, and that is certainly where we are. No wonder why we are experiencing this seemingly crazy weather. As of present, the government estimated the loss to agricultural products to more than a billion pesos, but this could go as high as 2 billion pesos or at worst less than 3 billions.
Many Scientists believe that global warming will worsen the effects of El Nino, that it will bring more and stronger typhoons to us. We can therefore conclude that man has a part on this. But it’s not yet late, we can reverse global warming by becoming responsible individuals and by pushing our legislators to enact laws that will protect our environment. Let us remember that this is the only planet we have. Are you with me on this?
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