At the age of sixteen (16), Efren joined by other classmates started the Dynamic Teen Company, a youth group aimed at diverting the minds of youth from street gangs, and towards community activism. Eventually, they pioneered the infamous “pushcart classrooms” as these made their way to places where no teacher have dared to teach. Efren himself can relate to his students as he himself came from a poor family; his father was a tricycle driver and her mother being a plain housewife. In spite of their family’s economic condition; Efren showed his resolve my finishing his college with a degree in Computer Technology at San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite, and another degree, that of Secondary Education at Cavite State University.
After being nominated for CNN Heroes by Club 8586, the youth group which financed his primary and secondary education, Efren was chosen as one of the 28 CNN Heroes for 2009 by CNN’s Blue Ribbon Panel. After that he was named among the top ten finalists on October 1, 2009 and eventually won the prestigious CNN Hero of the Year award last November 22, 2009. The prize of $ 100,000 according to him will be used to further finance the activities of Dynamic Teen Company.
No less than Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, president of Philippines conferred on Efren, the Order of Lakandula in a ceremony at Malacanang Palace upon his return to Manila. Efren Penaflorida’s extraordinary feat will continue to serve as an inspiration and hope to our chaotic world. Dare to make a difference?